It’s that time of year and even though we’re used to somewhat mild winter days here in the Carolinas, winter storms are not unusual for the Charlotte area. Remember the that storm pretty effectively shut down most of Charlotte two years ago? Many driveways and sidewalk sections in our Dilworth neighborhood were still snow and ice covered days after the last snow fall.

Get your sled from Blackhawk Hardware in Charlotte, NC

So when a snow storm is predicted for Charlotte, no one can stop talking about it. Here’s our very own Craig talking to a news crew about snow storm preparation and safety. And while the latest numbers predict around 3 inches, the worst case scenario is 5-7 inches so you’ll definitely want to be prepared. Make sure you join the hoards of folks at the grocery store that grab milk and bread or whatever else your personal food and drink supply consists of for a few days. Of course you may want to choose to add some of our local gourmet snacks and fancy sodas to that survival kit. Might as well be eating local snacks.

Eventually you’ll probably have to get out of your house to go back to work or get more food. If you are not in the mood to wait for warmer temperatures to melt the snow in your driveway, you can make your life easier and shovel the snow immediately so it doesn’t have a chance of refreezing. On top of snow shovels, Blackhawk Hardware also has ice melt in stock. Trust us, your mail man will thank you for keeping your entrance ice free.

And last but not least, enjoy the snow while it lasts! Pick up a sled from Blackhawk Hardware and take your children sledding! Build a snow man and make beautiful snow angels!

Read more about protecting your plants from winter weather here.


