I was perusing Pinterest one night when I came upon a fun idea :: use random bowls and little dishes instead of a traditional drawer organizer. I liked this so much that I contemplated devoting my top vanity drawer for keeping my oft-worn jewelry.
Soon after, I was walking down the main Housewares aisle here at work when David was setting up a new display of lovely white dishes. I thought they were so pretty that I pondered why not use these to organize my jewelry? I was quickly sold on the idea.
David pointed me to other white dishes that we carry ~ bowls, a star, a shell and even an egg tray. I was so excited, I could hardly wait to get home and put this little project together! Fitting them into my drawer was like playing a game of Tetris, but it didn’t take long to find an arrangement that I liked.
I encountered a problem, alas! Each time I opened and closed the drawer, there was sliding and riding as well as clinking and chinking. BUT…..I had a solution. I would line the drawer with non-slip Contact™ drawer liner.
I reorganized the dishes on top of the drawer liner. It’s working out fine now. The dishes stay put.
Every time I open my top drawer and reach for a piece of jewelry, I see an unexpected way to keep me organized and it makes me feel happy. I’m funny like that.
I had a long white tray “left over” so I used it on top of my dresser. Later if I tire of these dishes in their current set up, I can use them in the kitchen.
Not any time soon though.