A few years ago, I was approaching

[let’s just say] a landmark age, and suddenly my arms weren’t long enough so I could see to thread a needle.  A trip to the eye doctor began the on-and-off-my-face, daily struggle with reading glasses.

I only need to wear glasses for close-at-hand tasks, reading and computer.  The rest of the time, I can see fine so I don’t need them.  But that begins the quandary of where do I keep my readers so I have them handy when I need them?  On and off, on and off… they go into the neckline of whatever I’m wearing, or on top of my head, or in my pocket, or in my handbag….you get the picture.  It’s a battle.

There are the pitfalls — they fall out when I bend over and they break or get scratched.  They get caught in my hair. They get crushed in my pocket.  They instantly seem to fall to the lowest depths of my handbag.  Argh!

BUT NOW,  I HAVE FOUND THE PERFECT SOLUTION, right here at Blackhawk Hardware!


It’s the ReadeREST glasses holder!


A little stainless steel bar with poweful magnets attaches through any clothing to a back plate.  There is no damage to clothing. Then you simply hang your glasses over the hook.

There’s no more falling out when you bend over, no more pulling out hair [literally and figuratively], no more sitting on them and no more falling to the bottom your purse!

Also… It’s great for men when they have no shirt pocket.

What’s not to love about the ReadeRest?

Readerest edited


IMPORTANT: Please read the magnet safety warnings inside the packaging.  These warnings pertain to the safety of children, health issues such as pacemakers, the protection of electronic media, and more.