The other day we talked about tools that are essential to any homeowner. Today we’re highlighting another set of tools that shouldn’t be missing from any tool box and that will greatly expand your DIY potential. Come visit Blackhawk Hardware or shop online at ACE for free shipping to our store!

Drill Bits

Drill bits are essential tools for any toolbox.

If you have an electric drill you’ll need drill bits if you want to drill holes. A good basic kit will allow you to drill into many basic materials like steel, cast iron, malleable iron, non-ferrous metal, plastic, wood and more. Specialty drill bits are available for specific applications such as masonry.

Adjustable Wrench

Adjustable wrenches are part of a well assorted toolbox.

Adjustable wrenches are part of a well assorted toolbox. As the name implies, they are adjustable to fit loads of nuts and bolts from plumbing fixes to furniture assembly and bike and car tweaks, these wrenches come in real handy!

Vise Grips

Vise grip pliers help gripping things like nails to help you pull them out.Vise grips are clever pliers that can be locked opening up a myriad of opportunities for use from removing broken screws and old nails to clamping things together. If you don’t own a pair, add them to your Christmas list! They’re pretty much the bee’s knees!


Awl's are great tools to poke holes, position nails, etc.

It may look like a stubby ice pick but it’s an awl! Use awls to poke holes into wood, leather and more. Their sharp tips allow for exact positioning and clean hole creation. Mark the exact position for a nail by gently poking the area with an awl. Awl in awl an excellent contender for space in your tool box!

Utility Knife

Utility knives are a must-own item for anyone renter or home owner.You probably have a flimsy carpet knife or utility knife laying around somewhere. Do yourself a favor and pick up a sturdy one from Blackhawk. A much safer option, these guys have thicker grips for a better cutting experience. Uses are endless from opening packages to cutting down cardboard for recycling to cutting carpet, vinyl and more.

Putty Knife

Putty knives are expert scrapers and spreaders.

This guy is a star when it comes to scraping and spreading. Have nail holes in your walls? Your putty knife will help you cover that.

