Gardening To-Do List for December

You've made it through the brunt of the year and there isn't much left to do in your Carolina yards this time of year. All the better to have more time to focus on the holidays. Perhaps your outdoor to-do list includes putting up Christmas decoration to spread the holiday cheer. Come to Blackhawk Hardware [...]

Preparing for A Winter Storm in Charlotte

It's that time of year and even though we're used to somewhat mild winter days here in the Carolinas, winter storms are not unusual for the Charlotte area. Remember the that storm pretty effectively shut down most of Charlotte two years ago? Many driveways and sidewalk sections in our Dilworth neighborhood were still snow and [...]

Protecting Your Garden Plants from Winter Damage

Now that winter has moved into the Charlotte area, you may want to protect your sensitive garden plants from frost and freezing temperatures. While many plants are hardy and can easily survive a Carolina winter it may be a good idea to help certain less hardy species to make it through the cold months unhurt. [...]

Winterizing Homes In Charlotte

It's that time of year when Charlotte residents start thinking about winterizing our homes. Here are 50 ways to prepare for the upcoming cold weather.  Much of the suggestions are common-sense, but it's good to get a "refresher". Replace any old or inefficient windows. Windows are one of the major ways heat leaks out of [...]

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