April Gardening Enviro Tips

Buy garden chemicals in small quantities that can be used up in one growing season to avoid storage problems. If the label of a garden chemical has faded, write the brand name, active ingredient and EPA registration on the container itself or on masking tape attached to the container. Do not spray pesticides on a [...]

Gardening In April – Ornamentals

Prune azaleas and other spring flowering shrubs just after they finish blooming. Begin scouting for azalea lace bugs and treat as needed. Lace bugs will succumb to many insecticides including acephate sold as Orthene, carbaryl sold as Sevin and insecticidal soap. Spray and repeat for 7 to 10 days. Begin a regular program for roses [...]

Pizza on the Big Green Egg – by Bill Hickman

Hello and good afternoon, my fellow Egg Heads. I've been asked a lot if the Big Green Egg will make a pizza. My answer, "Absolutely!" Pizza is one of the most simple foods to cook on the Egg. Big Green Egg Plate Setter Fire up your Egg to about 600 degrees. After the Egg reaches [...]

Weber’s On The Grill App for Android, iPhone and iPad

A perfect companion to grilling on any brand of grill is the Weber's "On The Grill" app.  The app is full of recipes for family barbecues and last-minute weekday dinners, such as Meatballs on a Stick, Fire and Ice Oysters and Butter-rum Pineapple with Coconut Ice Cream. Feature rich with tips, techniques, grilling safety, videos, [...]

Winterizing Homes In Charlotte

It's that time of year when Charlotte residents start thinking about winterizing our homes. Here are 50 ways to prepare for the upcoming cold weather.  Much of the suggestions are common-sense, but it's good to get a "refresher". Replace any old or inefficient windows. Windows are one of the major ways heat leaks out of [...]

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