We hope you are having an amazing gardening season with a bountiful harvest! I don’t know about you but by half-way through the summer growing season we are wondering what to do with all the fresh tomatoes, jalapenos and cucumbers. Despite that fresh, grown under the sun taste, there are only so many tomato sandwiches and caprese salads I can eat. Time to preserve some of the goodies to enjoy some reminders of summer garden vegetables later in the year. Canning is an easy process to preserve some of nature’s bounty. Instead of taking space up in your fridge, canned goods can be stored in your pantry or basement and enjoyed for up to one year. Our kitchen department has everything you need to give canning a try!

Basic canning supplies include a big pot, a canning rack that fits into the pot, a jar lifter, ladle, non-metalic spatula and preserving jars with tops. Of course we have a multitude of canning / mason jars in different sizes like these made in England Kilner preserving jars:

Kilner Canning Jars

Of course we carry all the extra ingredients you’ll need to preserve your garden harvest. You can purchase pectin, pickling salt, pickling lime, pickling mixes, pickling acid and much more right in the heart of Charlotte at Blackhawk Hardware. All you need are your fruits and vegetables! For recipe ideas check-out our canning board on Pinterest.


Canning supplies from Blackhawk Hardware in Charlotte

Canning accessories at Blackhawk Hardware in Charlotte, NC