Got Stink? Well, get rid of it once and for all with Atmosklear

Have you noticed that most room fresheners just add a scent in an attempt to "cover" odor?  Well, now there is a product that actually ELIMINATES odor and does so without fragrance.  Atmosklear is the #1 odor remover on the Market, and for good reason.   Atmosklear removes odor on contact! Plus, it's non-toxic and biodegradable. This [...]

Charge it! The Leviton integrated USB and standard outlet,

Have you ever been stuck needing to leave your computer on so you could charge your phone or USB device? Well, suffer no more! We have a fantastic solution, the Leviton USB Charger Tamper Resistant Outlet.  Featuring a standard three prong outlet AND two USB charging receptacles, you'll never need to start your day with [...]

Weber’s On The Grill App for Android, iPhone and iPad

A perfect companion to grilling on any brand of grill is the Weber's "On The Grill" app.  The app is full of recipes for family barbecues and last-minute weekday dinners, such as Meatballs on a Stick, Fire and Ice Oysters and Butter-rum Pineapple with Coconut Ice Cream. Feature rich with tips, techniques, grilling safety, videos, [...]

Let There Be Wireless Light!

I have this funky shaped closet under my stairs.  It multitasks as a coat closet, storage and a media shelf.  It's a great closet and has served me well for the last several years, except for one small thing... I can't see anything.  Many's the time I've reached in to grab a certain coat and [...]

What’s New?

We have all sorts of new goodies in the store, but I'd like to highlight four standouts.  The first item is for our lady smartphone-lovers out there; the image at the top shows our cute, new phone mini-purses.  Room for your phone, your money and lip gloss!  Perfect when you don't want to lug around a [...]

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