Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cake

Growing up in Cape Town, Autumn was a relative non-event. Sure there were deciduous trees that lost their leaves, but it wasn't spectacular.  My mom's garden had flowering plants year round so there was always color.  When I made my first October visit to the Appalachian mountains, I was in awe.  The amazing vistas in [...]

Blackhawk Hardware goes PINK for October

Back in January when we were at market, we started planning an October display of trees and ornaments for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   Today, the first day of October, I had the honor of decorating the little pink grove of trees.  You can’t miss them as you come in the main store entrance.   Look [...]

Charlotte’s Greek Festival – Yiasou!

  The employees at Blackhawk had a fabulous friend in our late colleague, Angie Stathakis.  She made all our lives richer with her kind and thoughtful ways.  Through her enthusiasm for her church's annual festival, she imparted a desire to attend. The first September that I worked here, Angie came to my desk and offered me tickets to [...]

Thanksgiving Day Ideas

Decor: Take 5 to 10 pieces of long strings to be hooked up above the walls across the room. Cut colored paper, preferably in different shades of green and yellow, in leafy shapes. Glue them in a row at equal distance along each string. Hook the leafy strings high enough on the walls so that [...]

2017-06-02T15:24:30-04:00Holidays, Thanksgiving|
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