Last week, our Hardware Manager, Mike Monroe, unveiled a new product for us.  It’s a flip-switch timer by Woods that literally flips a toggle switch on and off at the times you specify.

I was getting ready to leave for a few days, so I decided to buy one myself and try it out.  I wanted to use it for my front porch light.  It only took a minute to install.  It just attaches over any toggle (just remove the switchplate screws, place the timer’s backplate over that toggle switch and switchplate and screw it in, then snap on the timer and secure it with screws provided).  I had been concerned if it would fit over my 3 switch switchplate, and it did.  Instructions to set the on/off times were easy to understand.  I tested it out and was it worked great.  There’s a little plastic piece that pulls the switch up and then down at the times you’ve indicated.  Brilliant!

It’s a great money-saver, since there’s no wiring required, no electrician necessary, no special equipment needed at all.  At only $24.99, this is a bargain.  Ceiling fans, overhead lighting, porch lights and other fixtures controlled by a wall switch are all able to be automated with this little gizmo.  I’m planning to add a couple more to my home automation setup.

I certainly had more peace of mind while I was away, knowing the porch light was coming on in the evening and going off in the morning, giving the impression someone was home.  I’ve also decided to leave it activated all the time, since it’s nice to come home at night to a lit porch (yes, I’m a key-fumbler in the dark).  Many thanks to Mike for telling me about it.